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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  November 23, 2012 1:40am-4:00am PST

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hopefully he has all the answers today. from fredrick, maryland, please welcome david gould. david, nice to see you. [cheers and applause] i've never actually heard of this before, what you did. >> oh, yeah, it was basically before everyone had a smart phone. there were these companies that you could text a question to a number and they had people responding for basically, you know, 10 cents or 25 cents a question, so i'm hoping to win a little bit more than that today. >> oh, yeah, than just 25 cents per-- >> that'd be good. >> we start at least $100, so you're sure to win something. >> good. >> you were part of a trivia team and two other members of that team have already been on millionaire. >> that's right, yeah. >> and done very well. >> yeah, my friends bill and chad were already on the show earlier this season. so by the time you see me, you probably have seen them already. >> okay, and they both did well, so you're hoping for some of that same-- >> yeah, i'd like to do a little better. you know, keep it rolling. >> that's right, keep it competitive. all right, then, david, let's see the money in your round 1. computer, please randomize the money. now here are the categories to your questions. computer, please randomize the categories.
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now that everything's all shuffled, are you ready? >> yes. >> audience, are you ready? [cheers and applause] then let's play millionaire. [dramatic musical flourish] okay, david, here's your first question. though many still debate its origins, some believe the 13 at a table superstition derives from what famous historical gathering? >> well, if it's a superstition, something awful must have happened. the only one of these that really strikes me as being something that we'd be superstitious about would be the last supper. i'm gonna go "c," final answer. >> you got it. it's right, last supper. [cheers and applause] jesus and the 12 disciples. okay, let's start building your bank. how much money is behind this question? gonna start you out with $100. >> okay. >> still better than 25 cents. 13 away from a million.
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located just south of groom lake, what secret location became a bit more visible when google maps offered satellite images of the grounds? >> i don't think i can risk it here. i'm stuck between a couple. i think i'm gonna jump the question. >> okay, question's out of play. you don't have to answer it. let's see what the correct answer is. area 51. >> okay. >> is that one of the ones you were considering? >> yeah, yeah. >> okay, let's see what you jumped over here. hopefully, not too much. ouch. [audience groaning] okay, well, that's out of play but by jumping the question, you are one question closer to the million. >> that's right. >> now just 12 away. "real deal" is your next category. biting gold coins and checking for tooth imprints was an old way to verify their authenticity due to the metal's high degree of what?
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>> well, if bite into it and leaves tooth marks it should be malleable. so i'm gonna say "c," final answer. >> that's right. you got that one right away. all right, let's make up for that last jump. how much money is behind this question? >> all right. >> $7,000. $7,100. 11 away from a million. "old friends" is the category. even though you might use email today, you can still get paired up with a friend and exchange letters as a what? >> i remember having one in elementary school. pretty sure it's "b," final answer. >> i had one too. that's right, pen pal. let's put some more money in your bank. how much is behind this question? $5,000. >> all right. >> up to $12,100. 10 away from a million. "first touch" is your next category. before atms and iphones, england's e.a. johnson developed
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touch screen technology in the 1960s to be used by whom? >> i've never heard of england-- of e.a. johnson. a lot of them make sense. i'm actually studying air traffic control and i haven't heard of him, so i don't think it's "b," but... [sighs] it seems like a risky one, but i think i'm gonna ask the audience. >> okay, audience, david needs your help. on your keypads, vote now. [percussive music] ♪ oof. 42% say meteorologists, 33 for air traffic controllers, 20 for telephone operators. >> that's interesting. i didn't get anything clear out of that so it wasn't something obvious i was missing, i don't think.
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i think i'm gonna have to jump it. >> okay, question's out of play. you don't have to answer it. meteorologiss meteorologists. it was air traffic controllers. >> wow. >> there you go. and you are actually studying now to be an air traffic controller. >> yeah, that's what my dad does. i'll be done in the fall--i mean, in the next spring but i've never heard of that. >> never heard of that? >> no. >> well, you didn't know did the right thing by jumping it, let's see what you jumped over. last time it was $15,000, this time it's just $3,000. >> okay. >> that's a lot better than $15,000. and by jumping the question, you are now 9 away from the million. "go figure." still some big money up there. because she was tall and skinnys growing up, supermodel gisele bundchen has said that schoolkids used to call her what? >> i really liked--i really like popeye and she's like a string, basically, like real tall. it's got to be olive oyl, final answer. >> got to be olive oyl. there you go.
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all right, david, let's put some more money in that bank of yours. there you go. >> all right. >> $22,100 for david gould. and we are gonna be back with more millionaire right after this. there's the smile. there you go. mom always got good nutrition to taste great. she was a picky eater. well, now i'm her dietitian, and last year, she wasn't eating so well. so i recommended boost complete nutritional drink to help her get the nutrition she was missing. and now she drinks it every day. well, it tastes great! including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones, and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a delicious taste. [ dietitian ] now, nothing keeps mom from doing what she loves -- being my mom. [ male announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. i took my son fishing every year. we had a gr worth it. not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function
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starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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>> we are back with david gould from maryland. $22,100 in the bank. that last question was a big one. earned you an extra $10,000. you're millioy fr awahe million, 4 away from round 2, at that point you keep all the money in your bank. the only bad news here is that you are out of lifelines. >> yeah. >> are you ready? >> i am ready. >> then let's play. [dramatic musical flourish] made by the cosmetics company opi, a good man-darin is hard to find is what shade of nail
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polish? >> wha--well, unless i'm very much mistaken, i think a mandarin is a type of orange. so i'm gonna go "c," final answer. >> yeah, it is. very good. show us the money, please, computer, what's behind this question? >> all right. >> $1,000. $23,100. 3 questions left in round 1. "poetry at play" is your next category. which of the following is true when casey comes to bat in the classic baseball poem casey at the bat? >> i'm pretty sure he came up to the bat and--i was under the impression he hit a grand slam, which would mean that the bases were loaded. so... i think i'm gonna risk it. i think i'm gonna try to keep going here. i'm pretty sure. i'm gonna go "a," final answer.
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[scattered applause] >> it's not "a." it is "c." men are on second and third. oh, david, i am so sorry. >> it's all right. it happens. >> it happens. >> thank you. >> i'm glad you came to play. >> thank you. >> thank you, honey, good luck. [applause] and joining me now, steve carpenter from chicago. hi, steve. >> hi, meredith. nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. you look like you almost can't believe you're here. >> i can't. this is amazing. >> aww, and i know you've already spent the money in your head. you already know what you want to spend it on? >> a lot of different things. i mean, one thing i want to do, i've had these frames for about ten years, i'd really love to get some contact lenses. >> okay, wow. [cheers and applause] and let me see you without glasses. >> how do i look? >> oh, you look very handsome.
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very. we're gonna get you those lenses, all right? >> all right. >> let's take a look at the money in your round 1. computer, please randomize the money and the categories. and now that everything's all shuffled, steve, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> then let's play millionaire. [dramatic music flourish] the notorious bank robber bill miner reputedly coined what phrase? >> i have not heard of bill miner, but if he's a bank robber then i'm guessing that he coined the phrase, "hands up." i think that's the only one tha. yes. i'm gonna go with "b," hands up, final answer. >> yes, sir, you got it. you're right. >> yes. >> okay, let's put the money in your bank. $5,000. >> all right! >> >> you like it.
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>> all right. >> okay, 13 away a million. "keepin' it kosher." realizing it's customers observe the sabbath, kosher vending industries puts what number instead of 24/7 on its vending machines? >> okay, well, 24/7, seven days of the week. so the sabbath--if they're recognizing the sabbath, they're taking a day off for the sabbath, i would guess. so it's got to be 24/6. final answer. >> yes, it is 24/6 and let's put some more money in that bank of yours. how much is behind this question? $1,000. >> all right. >> $6,000. now just 12 away. >> [giggling] >> so cute. "stone's throw."
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one of ireland's most popular tourist attractions is the blarney stone, also known as the stone of what? >> [muttering] i've never heard of this, meredith. i don't know if the audience has heard of this. i'm gonna have to jump this question. >> no problem, steve. question's out of play. you don't have to answer it. let's see the correct answer. eloquence is the correct answer. now let's see what you jumped over. fingers crossed it's not too much here. $3,000, all right. big chuck of change, but it's not the biggest money. we're gonna take a look at your next question when we come back with more millionaire right after this.
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>> and welcome back to millionaire. steve carpenter currently playing.
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$6,000 in the bank. steve, i know you're a spanish teacher, but i'm noticing the peace corps shirt. you served some time in the peace corps? >> that's right. i spent two years in nicaragua serving as an english teacher trainer. [cheers and appl [cheers and applause] and i happened to know that you met your girlfriend, donna, there and she's in audience. nice to see you, donna. >> i did. donna was an english teacher too. >> did she give you any advice heading into the game here? >> she told me to have fun and do, you know, the best i could. >> aww, very sweet. well, so far you're doing the best you can, i'm sure, and having fun, so all is good. $6,000 in the bank. 11 away from a million. 7 away from round 2. you still have two lifelines. ready to keep playing? >> i'm ready, meredith. >> okay, let's play. [dramatic musical flourish] what clothing brand offers a lifetime deal of 20% off its merchandise to people who get a tattoo of one of its logos?
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>> um. i don't think i can guess. but i think that i'm going to go ahead and jump this question. >> okay, question's out of play. you don't have to answer it. i have no idea what the answer is, let's see. ecko unlimited was the answer. last time you jumped, it cost you $3,000. let's see what you jumped over this time. aw. [audience groaning] aw, all right. hey, you didn't have a choice there. you did not know the answer. >> i really didn't. >> i mean, it's a lot of money, but you're still very much in the game. and by jumping the question, you're now 10 away from a million. "school paper" is the category. a reference to a common high school organization, what is the name of the onion's non-satirical entertainment section?
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>> this one i know. [laughter] i always get the onion. i live in chicago now so-- i love it. the first part is made up but the a.v. club is where they do. so "b," final answer. >> yes, it is the a.v. club. okay, let's hope this one gave money here. how much money is behind this question? $10,000, there you go. [cheers and applause] >> whoo. >> you're almost like a cartoon character, you're so cute. >> i'm a teacher. you got to be animated, right? >> he's so cute. $16,000 in your bank. >> yay. >> 9 away from a million. all right, steve.
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"beatles language" is the category. if the beatles song norwegian wood was written about norway's most common tree species, it would be called norway what? >> trees. all right. meredith, i'm gonna have to go ahead and ask the audience on this one. >> that's no problem. audience, steve needs your help. on your keypads, vote now. [percussive music] ♪ 74% of the audience believes it is spruce. >> wow. i was between spruce and pine. i've never heard of yew or juniper. i guess the audience likes spruce. and yeah, you guys looks very
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smart. i hope you guys... [cheers and applause] 74%, i can't argue with 74%. meredith, i'm gonna go "a," spruce, final answer. >> oh, they are smart. yes, they are. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. >> let's check out the money behind the question. take a look, steve. $7,000. $23,000 for steve carpenter. we'll be right back with more millionaire right after this. yay.
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>> here is your question of the day: stay tuned for the answer.
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>> the answer to that question was tuba. and welcome back to millionaire. steve carpenter from chicago. we love your enthusiasm. it's so fantastic. i can tell you're having fun. >> i'm having a great time, meredith. [laughter] >> have you always wanted to be on the show? >> i've wanted to since i saw
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john carpenter win the million dollars. >> oh, he was the first one to ever win on millionaire. >> the first one to ever win ann >> and you're a carpenter. >> i am. it's my last name. >> okay, well-- >> i hope it's lucky. >> i hope it's lucky too. so far, so good. $23,000 in your bank. 8 away from a million. 4 away from round 2, at that point, you keep all the money in your bank. so are you ready to keep playing? >> meredith, i'm ready. >> then let's play. [cheers and applause] at screenings of the rocky horror picture members often toss what in the air when brad says, "great scott"? >> i've been to a screening of the rocky horror picture show. i'm not a virgin anymore from the perspective of that. [laughter] so-- still, i don't really remember this part but scott, scott toilet paper is what i'm thinking.
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i associate scott with toilet paper--shes, aluminum foil, not toothbrushes, aluminum foil, or paper clips. meredith, i'm gonna go with "c," final answer. >> it is toilet paper. it is. okay, more money for your bank. $15,000. >> yay! >> $38,000. >> oh. oh. >> ahh. >> all right. >> is that the sound you made when you lost your virginity? [laughter] i'm only kidding. i'm only kidding you. i've heard that sound--well, not from you. all right, $38,000. >> i was gonna say. >> 7 from a million. 3 from round 2. here's your next question. "very vocal." on the website for his show, what tv host's bio says, "he began his career as a professional musician, faking his way into the baltimore opera"?
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>> gordon ramsay, i know is a chef from britain, so i don't believe he would have faked his way into the baltimore opera. and meredith, i've never heard of any of the other three. so...alk away. i got to walk away. >> is that a final? >> that's a final. >> okay, it was actually mike rowe from dirty jobs. but you're walking away with $19,000. you did a great job, steve. congratulations. >> thank you, meredith. >> really great job. [horn blares] that sound means that our time is up for today but we'll be back next time and until then, folks, from new york, bye-bye. i know how tempting those newfangled cleaners are, but we both know that won't end well. stick with what you know ladies, pine sol.
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it's got everything you need, and nothing you don't. try airborne! with zinc, echinacea, ginger and a blast of vitamin c. airborne. real immune support. >> closed captioning sponsored by: [ male announcer ] ziploc presents ziplogic. we throw out over $500 in food every year. with ziplomore of it with ziploc freezer bags featuring smartzip. edge to edge protection you can hear. get ziploc. and get more out of it. [ female announcer ] s.c. johnson. a family company.
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opposed him. it also sets the stage for the retrial of former president hosni mubarak. >> that didn't take long. thanksgiving day marked a somber anniversary in american history that the world will never forget. 49 years ago, that president john f. kennedy was assassinated.
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gunned down as his motorcade drove through downtown dallas. despite the holiday, dozens of people fwagathered in jfk's hon in the spot where he was shot. a major commemoration will be held for the next year's 50th anniversary. can you feel the heat? with the jackpot hovering at around $325 million, bucks, powerball fever, spreading like wildfire out there. gamblers across the country are hoping for an early christmas present. when the numbers are drawn tomorrow night. a winner opting for a lump sum cash payout can count on taking home $212 million. now, the downside, the odds of winning this thing, about one in 175 million. >> not bad. probably better than the odds of probably getting one of the tv screens in the black friday line. >> i don't usually gamble in the lotsry. when it gets big, it's hard not to buy a couple tickets.
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>> for the office pool. if you're one that is out of the office pool and everyone wins. >> this office one i would leave here mid sentence. you might want to consider another set of odds. can the cowboys survive against the powerhouse exploits of redskins phenom rg3. spoiler alert. no, they couldn't. >> rookie quarterback threw four touchdown passes to four different receivers. cowboys got within seven. just fell short. final score, 38-31, redskins. >> slept through that game. not this one. in detroit, the houston texans took advantage of a major mistake by the lions' coach. third quarter, the coach there, schwartz, he threw a challenge flag. certain that an 81-yard td run would not count. well, replay showed for seth was down midfield, but schwartz negated the review and challenged the play and was called for unsportsmanlike conduct. the lions, not the tigers, a ten-point lead. slip away. lose 34-31 in overtime. almost all overtime for the game to wrap up. great matchup.
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that's why i'm tired today. >> glued to the screen. exactly. >> it was good though. it was good. we want to show you something that we got a little while ago through twitter as well. we were just talking about this. pretty cool. >> this is great. ryan one of our twitter fans drew this picture for us. look, i think that is remarkably life like. look at that. i was impressed by that. want to thank. you know, as, you have learned over the last two days, a lot of very devoted fans on twitter. this guy one of them. looks really good. thanksgiving, look good in the picture. >> i love the turkey too. way to get in the holiday spirit. thank you, rierngs for sharing. >> very festive. nicely done. coming up, turning the rhythm from the basketball court into an unforgettable christmas carol. you have to watch it. >> unbeatable advise for shoppers on this holiday. should you buy an iphone today and how your smartphone may help you save money at the store. you are watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by febreze. nnouncer: "world news now" weather brought to you by
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febreze. febreze. smelly stuff all in at once to prove that febreze car vent clips could eliminate the odor. then we brought her family to our test facility to see if it worked. [ woman ] take a deep breath, tell me what you smell. something fresh. a beach. a clean house. my new car. [ woman ] go ahead and take your blindfolds off. oh!! hahahaha!!! look at all this garbage!!! [ male announcer ] febreze car. eliminates odors for continuous freshness, so you can breathe happy.
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♪ welcome back, everybody, on this black friday. if you're up right now, you're probably planning your shopping strategy for the day. so abc news tech editor joanna stern is here to help you guys out. joanna, good morning. always good to have you here. >> good to be here and not in
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line. >> that makes for two of us. it is black friday here. so you are looking out over the landscape. folks are lining up, masses about to converge on malls and stores around the country. what are the best black friday deals out there today? >> there are some crazy door busters, why the people are waiting in line right now. they will get crazy savings. only a couple of them are. one of the best ones a toshiba, 50 inch, 1080p tv, $300. >> huge tv, $300. >> originally $900. $600 of savings. that's why people are lining up. that's one of the biggest ticket items at sears. example of something at sears. best buy, tons of products. xbox 360, $199, usually $299. so lots of big ticket items coming down seriously in price just tonight and all day tomorrow. >> and this may be a dumb question but i assume the stores can give such deep discounts because volume will make up for
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the discount. >> there is limited stock of the items. not everyone is going to have, hundreds of those toshibas, a couple of those. people first in line will get them. the unfortunate thing about black friday, right? one of my favorite tips, using the site, >> how does that work? >> type in the product you are looking for. it will give you the list of all the prices where it is. amaz amazon, wall mart, all the different prices. and actually will say, this is a really good price right now. give you a thumbs up. probably not going to drop in price by now. but you might get a stop hand. stop, don't buy this now. this may drop in price. that's one of my big tips. go to check it out. >> big strategy for the day. what are the hottest tech gadgets. folks can't wait to get their hand on? >> one of the top, the ipad, the ipad mini. i've got it here.
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haven't taken it out of my hands. why a lot of people will get this thing. $329, not going to drop in price this holiday season. >> apple does need the money. >> yes. >> that's a relief too. that will be one of the big ticket items this year. >> i do. i think ipads, tablets are going to sell well. one of the other things i think is going to be really big is not necessarily tv, tv add-ons, but this is the box. i love this thing. really little, but very powerful. this thing -- a good black friday deal. $40. usually $60. bet you they have a lot in stock. i don't thin, i don't think -- i think these will, you will be able to pick one up. what this does connects to your tv, stream netflix, pandora, youtube, hook it up, and you've got connected tv. >> $40. not bad at all. >> i think a big thing this year. tv's aren't changing. maybe people got the brand new big-screen tv. >> what you can do with it is huge. >> exactly. great tips. appreciate you being here. fight the masses at best buy and the mall now.
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>> i will stay in the cold house here. stay with the nice -- nice tree. >> the window. thank you, appreciate you being here again. this is joanna stern, abc news tech editor. we will be right back on "world news now."
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♪ skinny
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♪ ♪ ♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome back, everybody. ♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome back, everybody. oh, my ex-girlfriend halle berry back in the news this morning. >> you guys go way back? >> we go way back. i had to end it, though. she got way too suffocating. i'm joking. but anyway she's back in the news, and this is kind of a serious situation. apparently there was some kind of incident yesterday. because her baby daddy, gabrielle aubry showed up at the house was arrested because a melee broke out with halle's fiance olivier martinez, according to tmz this is what happened. aubry released on $20,000. he showed up on the doorstep with the 4-year-old for custodial handoff. they had a nasty custody battle. he goes there to her house to drop off the kid and apparently flipped out when her fiance made
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the comment "we have to move on." aubry, allegedly pushed martinez, threw a punch in the face striking him in the shoulder. martinez fought back. the struggle ended up with aubry pinned to the ground. according to a source. aubry suffered a broken rib. martinez may have broken his hand and suffered neck injuries as well. so apparently this was like brawl, brawl. these guys got pretty banged up. something was said that flipped the guys out while they were trying to drop off the daughter on thanksgiving day. >> yeah. let's hope nahla wasn't watching this. then you have a 4-year-old girl watching this happen. we don't need a hollywood baby having troubles growing up. get it together. >> halle, for such a beautiful, talented woman had a really rocky love life over the years. latest dustup. hope it works out, nothing else for the little girl. >> shakira making headlines not for her fabulous hips. >> those hips don't lie. >> they don't. ex-boyfriend, former manager is suing her for $100 million. because he claims she reneged on
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a deal to keep paying him as a share of her business profits after they broke up. see in 2004 her tour was losing money. under the management she earned tens of millions. according to him got a $300 million deal with live nation. went big. and breaking up he claims her lawyer fired him. he wants money. she is now pregnant. this is going to get ugly. no comment from shakira though. >> her hips do lie according to that lawsuit. poor shakira. also lil wayne, lil wheezy, back in the news this morning. >> very well. >> thank you. >> he apparently is admitting he has some kind of medical issue where he suffers seizures, on a plane, had a medical emergency last month. because he had seizure-like episodes on two back-to-back flights. so he was giving an interview to mtv. the room got pretty hot.
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he says, look -- they wouldn't let the ac unit in the room, makes a lot of noise, makes it hard to do the interview with the buzzing ac sound in the background. he says i want y'all to know not that i am on drugs or whatever. i need to stay cool. if i get to warm, i am on seizure medication. admitting he has some kind of condition, so much so, doctors said stay off planes for the foreseeable future. something about the condition inside the plane triggers the condition. hope he is okay. sound like a serious, afflict -- affliction to have. doctors' advice. >> before we go. real quick, one more before we go. concert tour. chris brown, canceling in guyana, protests coming out because of the fight with rihanna and the abuse. so now he's canceling it because they're going to protest it. >> wow. can't shake the image. >> we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] we got a mom and the family car
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to prove that febreze car vent clips could eliminate the odor. [ woman ] take a deep breath, tell me what you smell. something fresh. a clean house. [ woman ] take your blindfolds off. oh!! hahahaha!!! [ male announcer ] febreze car. eliminates odors, so you can breathe happy.
2:23 am
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call now for your free dvd and information kit. and now every hoveround comes with this tote bag and cup holder for handy access to your favorite items. you don't really have to give up living because you don't have your legs. call now for your free consultation. and right now, get this limited edition hoveround america travel mug free with your hoveround delivery. call or log onto right now! welcome back, you know wn welcome back. you know when you're a professional ball player in the middle of the game, it's so easy
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to be focused on the game and nothing else. >> i struggled with that throughout my nba career. >> oh, yeah, i am sure. >> but kevin durant of the oklahoma thunder proved his fans are an important part of his game. on wednesday during game against the los angeles clippers, durant accidentally flung the ball into the stand and an older woman courtside took the shot straight to the noggin. >> you have to see it again. during the next break, in the action, durant walked over to the woman to make up for his mistake. he kisses her on the forehead. she appears to forgive him. tickled that he did it. you do something sweet. don't act like ron artest, go swinging at fans in the stand. >> staying with the nba. five basketball stars have turned dribbling into a real art form. >> who would have thought a basketball could be used to perform a christmas carol. this is cool. abc's david muir reports. >> reporter: we all know this
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version of "the carol of the bells" famously sung by the mormon tabernacle choir. a holiday staple this time of year. ♪ >> reporter: but we've never quite heard it this way. five of the nba's biggest superstars dribbling the song, and now a drumbeat of the different sort. so many asking how did they do that? well, it turns out digital magic. the players actually in five different location s when they shot their part from miami to los angeles to new york. five different shoots in front of the high-tech screen shot in just the last month. behind-the-scenes footage of lakers center dwight howard, playing around right there, getting ready to perform his part that would be inserted later. we're told the producers had half an hour with each player
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putting some one beside them to give them a sense of what they had to accomplish on the court. how did they do it to time. followed a color coded monitor, much like the video game, "guitar hero" that rights up on the right or left so they know which side to dribble on and when. and later, digitally laid in next to each other and this was the result. >> how cool is that? >> very cool. >> that takes some timing, man. hand-eye coordination. very cool, fellows. >> look at that, rob. look at you. >> look at that, see. you know how to dribble? >> taught them everything they know on the court. that's right. more from abc next. ♪ >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. >> announcer: this is abc's
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this morning on "world news now" -- black friday frenzy. this morning on "world news now" -- black friday frenzy. stores try to keep control as crowds hit the malls in search of bargains. >> from fist fights to threats, not all shoppers are showing
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that holiday spirit. it's friday, november 23rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good friday, black friday morning, all of you shoppers out there. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm brandi hitt in for paula faris. hopefully you are not getting bruised up as you are doing the shopping. we will get to the mob scene in just a moment. also this half hour, hurricane sand survivors are finding reason to give thanks as volunteers. so many of them are pitching in to help make holiday memories. >> a fantastic story. really is. see people help out knowing so many communities, a lot, are in dire need. fantastic. also coming up, thanksgiving turns nasty at halle berry's house. her fiance and her ex get into a nasty brawl. police had to make an arrest in
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the case. not a peaceful thanksgiving at the halle berry household. >> not a happy thanksgiving to their 4-year-old daughter nahla in the middle of it. a milestone moment in the circle kl of life. the stage version of "the lion king" has something new to celebrate. i hear it is a fantastic show to see. first, the money-saving mayhem drawing millions of shoppers to the stores on this black friday. >> bargain hunters getting an earlier start than ever, some cities are beefing up police presence, but already getting pretty tense out there. more now from abc's john schifrin. >> reporter: the annual rung of the holiday shoppers. already things are getting out of hand. mayhem in california when a kmart opened up at 6:00 a.m. >> push one of my kids, and i will stab one of you -- >> reporter: the scene stores want to avoid. last year, canadian police tased this wal-mart shopper, resisted arrest after cutting ahead of 20 in line. this fist fight at an h & m in culver city, california. the national retail federation
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expects, up to 147 million people to be shopping this entire holiday weekend. with the extra crowd out there, retailers around the country are hoping for this, nice, calm, orderly lines like the one at the apple store here on icon ic fifth avenue. police are leaving nothing to chance, knowing the lure of a holiday deal. >> they just forget about regular everyday courtesy and sometimes go nuts. >> reporter: the los angeles police department is putting hundreds of extra officers on foot, on horseback, and in the air, to monitor shopping crowds. in stores like best buy, preparing for days now, creating color-coded maps, moon moonmoongsere >> reporter: mall of america has taken moving merchandise around to ease congestion, and holding dry runs so employees can practice. >> get people in, safely, and
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out, safely. through the lanes, quick, fast, hurry, so they can get what they need. >> reporter: mall of america has taken the additional step of banning teenagers from shopping alone on black friday. in fact, police say if you are shopping on black friday, you should leave the kids at home. because they could easily get injured should something go wrong. also important to make a game plan. on the web version of google maps you can actually see the layout of stores like macy's so you can find everything you are looking for. john schifrin, abc news, new york. >> i just don't get it. >> i don't either. i did it one year, that was it. i was done like after an hour of doing it. it was over. you get elbowed once, and it's over. >> that's it. "i will stab you!" oh, man, what is going on today. be safe, folks. as it does every year, macy's hosted annual thanksgiving parade right here in the big apple. you saw it for the first time. >> awesome to see in person. 3 million people lined the streets as well. 50 million more were watching from home, as the giant balloon characters floated overhead. conditions, ideal, a lot of sun, temperatures were in the 50s. crisp, cold, and just, gets you in the holiday spirit. >> not bad at all. i was asleep. and at the parade, some families who were hard hit by hurricane sandy, enjoying the event, front and center, courtesy of macy's and the city itself.
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>> it was just one of the ways the area came together to give survivors a special thanksgiving. abc's ron claiborne has more. >> reporter: on a street corner on slater boulevard on staten island, volunteers laid out a thanksgiving spread. nothing elaborate. turkey burgers, hot dogs, pumpkin pie, cookies. for the people of slater boulevard it was a feast. >> you want to eat some burgers? >> reporter: most people on this storm-battered street still have no power in their homes. no heat, no gas. so a group of volunteers from a church in new jersey brought the holiday to them. >> this is a privilege. it's like putting the giving back in thanksgiving. >> reporter: slater boulevard was slammed by what people here described as a tsunami, a 15-foot high wall of water that left the first floors of every home uninhabitable.
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the gotti family lived in this house for 32 years, combing through debris looking for cherished artifacts of their lives. this is your wedding china? >> it was. >> reporter: you used to have these on the table on thanksgiving? >> on thanksgiving. >> thankful we are still here. i am thankful for my family. thankful that so many people came and showed love and support. >> an honor to be here. >> reporter: for the many people still reeling from sandy's assault like the gotti family, there were suggestions of support from complete strangers. like courtney wood of new jersey who opened her home to a family who had no place else to go. she found them through a facebook pamg called a place at the table. >> i would love to be able to offer a hot meal, a house filled with love, and -- and, i can't imagine not doing this. >> reporter: talking to people here on slater boulevard, even amidst the awfulness of what happened here and the haunting memories on this day, they said they were grateful for the food, which was welcomed, but more than that, that people who they had never met in their entire lives, cared enough to come here. ron claiborne, abc news, staten island, new york.
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>> wow. you see, that kind of story to me is much more what the holidays are actually about as opposed to the staff at best buy acting like they're about to go to the super bowl. that's the holiday spirit. >> and we saw v,000 kids get the tickets to macy's day parade. and when you hear them say, brings a tear to your eye, when they say i am so happy and so grateful we are not dealing with anything terrible today. it shows you what these kids are going through. that's what they're thinking, you know, so great to have something nice happen to them. >> exactly. i mean the storm has passed, but the scars from what happened last a lot longer than that. so hopefully took a break from that today, enjoyed, balloons, great weather being out there. that is the start of a much better season than the one they're coming out of for sure. as the clean-up continues after sandy, one casualty of the storm may be left untouched. this is kind of crazy. you may remember this roller coaster that was knocked off a new jersey pier and partially submerged right there in the atlantic ocean. well, officials in seaside
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heights say they might just leave it there as a tourist attraction, but first they'll have to find out if the coaster is stable enough to stay put. i'm not quite sure i get that why you'd leave it. one, pollution issue. two, it just is weird. three, reminder of the tragedy. why? what are you going to do? >> not pretty to look at. >> new kind of reef. i don't quite get it. here's a look at your black friday forecast, all of you kmart shoppers. snowy shopping day in the upper midwest, northern minnesota to michigan. rain around cleveland, buffalo, charleston, west virginia. thick morning fog from new orleans to houston. and corpus christi. rain and mountain snow in the pacific north west. >> seattle/portland, 50 degree mark today. mostly 50s in the rockies. 30s, omaha, chicago. 57 degrees here in new york and 67 down in atlanta. heavy fog is also being blamed for massive pileup that
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left two people dead and dozens injured in texas. this happened on interstate 10. wow, right outside of beaumont. pictures are unbelievable. packed with holiday 100 cars, trucks, ended up slimming into each other. drivers could barely see one foot in front of them. and in the middle of the mangled wreckage, survivors, they were reflecting on the meaning of the holiday. >> this is a good thanksgiving for me, that i got -- my life was spared, and my children, they didn't get hurt. and everyone else, i just pray and thank god. every day is thanksgiving for me. >> wow, two victims who were killed were in an suv that was crushed by a tractor-trailer. interstate 10 was closed for more than eight hours. well, before we show you this next story, let's give you fair warning here. this is not something anyone should really be doing. in fact, we're going to call this guy our idiot of the day. i think that's the best term. >> put it in the idiot file.
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at west edmonton mall in alberta, canada, has a wave pool, yeah. people can jump in it with a bungee. this guy didn't need a bungee. he wanted to jump. jumped into the pool. two stories above. friend shot the video. stupid. and dangerous. despite the onlookers, they managed to get away without getting caught. in typically idiotic fashion they posted this video on youtube of themselves. yeah, when i first saw this. usually, mall fountains are shallow. how did the dude not crush his his legs when he landed? >> could have been paralyzed. >> put it on youtube. >> cops knocking on the door for you now. >> not too bright. throw pennies, nod bodies into the fountain. that's the rule. don't get it. coming up next, not a happy turkey day for actress halle berry after her ex and current boo got into a brutal fight that sent one of the dudes to the hospital.
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>> yeah. >> messy. >> ugly thanksgiving. also coming up later, "the lion king" is going strong. 15 years later. we're going to take you behind the curtain to learn the secret of the success. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by soda stream. announcer: "world news now" weather, brought,000 to you by soda stream.
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sound like a p sounds like a plot for a made-for-tv movie. a sexy celebrity's fiance and ex-boyfriend get into a nasty sounds like a plot for a made-for-tv movie. a sexy celebrity's fiance and ex-boyfriend get into a nasty fist fight on thanksgiving day. >> yeah. sounds so dramatic. but for oscar-winning actress
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halle berry, this happened at her hollywood home on thanksgiving day. >> reporter: french film actor olivier martinez returns to the home he shares with halle berry hours after an altercation. with her ex-boyfriend gabrielle aubry. according to sources with the lapd, aubry came to berry's house to drop off their 4-year-old daughter. aubry and martinez got into a fight. berry called 911 and lapd officers responded. both men suffered injuries. the 36-year-old aubry was taken to the local hospital for treatment to fractured ribs and bruises on his face. it wasn't immediately clear if the 46-year-old martinez also required medical attention. the altercation comes amidst a bitter custody battle between berry and aubry over their 4-year-old daughter who sources say did not witness the fight. a judge in los angeles ruled last month that berry could not relocate her daughter to france. and aubry is required to stay 100 yard away from berry,
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martinez and nahla as a result of an emergency protective order. berry could be seen leaving her house in this white suv, her whereabouts unknown. aubry spent several hours in the hospital before he was released to police custody. reporting from the hollywood hills. i guess maybe it worked out in halle berry's favor, if she was trying to move away. now her ex has been ordered to stay away from them because of the fights. i mean she can't move to france with her daughter, but now she can get him away at least somewhat. >> in a story like this, you have to feel bad for the little girl. they had that nasty custody battle. sunny was in the middle of that. now a brawl on thanksgiving. you wonder what the girl saw or didn't see, enduring all this going on. it just -- it just makes you -- whenever there's a kid in the middle, it's just kind of sad. let the adults duke it out. for a 4-year-old girl in the middle of all that. it is messy. hope it works out for the best. always drama in halle berry's love life. see -- >> every hollywood love life. >> this didn't happen when halle
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and i were together. things were peaceful. and calm. we were good. all this drama started when she broke up with me. >> she preebls missing you right now, rob, and thinking, why. >> why did i let the overnight anchor go. okay. another life, girl, we'll get back. coming up the milestone on stage for our corporate parent disney. >> yes, the magic behind the -- the lion king, wild king, and why this production is such a crowd pleaser. you're watching "world news now." >> see you've got halle berry on your mind. >> i do. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. "world news now." >> see you've got halle
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♪ great or small ♪ on the endless ground >> a lot of you recognize that, the "lion ♪ great or small ♪ on the endless ground >> a lot of you recognize that, the "lion king" circle of life, has turned into a major profit
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center for corporate disney not like this show. the stage adaptation has now grossed $5 billion worldwide. >> critics panned on the musical some thought it would last 15 minutes on broadway. as abc's juju chang reports, audiences have loved it for 15 years. ♪ >> reporter: it's the highest grossing musical of all time, with profit-making runs in nearly 100 cities around the globe. the lion king brand has earned more than $5 billion. so it's hard to believe that at first most people thought the musical would fail. >> and i famously said that's the worst idea i have ever heard. >> reporter: including the show's would-be producer thomas schumacher. >> the movie is fundamentally cinematic and there is nothing theatrical about it. >> reporter: during our backstage tour, he reminisces about arguing with his boss, who was hell-bent on making it work. >> i said you've got to be crazy. he said, just get great idea,
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just get a great idea. i got a great idea. julie taymor. >> reporter: at the time, julie taymor directed productions and operas, but never broadway. >> everyone told her she was crazy to work with disney. everybody told us we were crazy to work with some one like julie tamour. the broadway community assumed this was going to bea massive disaster. >> reporter: the disney team decided the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. ♪ they would completely reinvent this beloved cartoon for the stage. julie used every trick, 17th century stage craft to african costuming and asian puppetry. the result, ground breaking fusion of high art and low brow comedy requiring a massive cast, precision tieming, and 590-persn backstage crew.
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this is what you call the double event. >> the double event. you get the human and animal. when you don't, when you want the aggressive nature of the lion, that's when, scar will put his head forward. and there is the ability to get very violent. ♪ >> reporter: to find the performers, julie still scours the globe in search of raw talent. >> give him the cue right before scar. ♪ >> reporter: in sao paulo we get a rare glimpse inside a casting session. brazil is the 16th country to stage a "lion king" production. ♪ after weeks of call blacks, they finally strike gold. tiago barbosa, a 27-year-old plucked from the slums of rio brings down the house with simba's most emotional number. >> whoa. >> good job. >> can we just cast him right
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now? can we? can we cast him? >> hey, come here. simba. >> reporter: 15 years into her journey, there is still magic in a discovery like this. >> i am not sure anybody has ever put it together like that, ever, in any place. >> reporter: and julie taymor is no stranger to magical moments. in 1998 "lion king" earned six tony awards and the first woman ever to win best director. she went on to direct movies, including "freida" and spent nine years on another musical, "spider-m
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"spider-man: turn off the dark." it was riddled with stage accidents, major money, use and feuding producers. julie was skewered in the press and pushed out of the production before opening night. she has been reticent to talk on camera about the experience. until now. >> you can't blame it on me or any single person because you don't create a musical with one person. or two. >> reporter: her famous partners, u2s, bono and the edge accused her on "nightline" of being too close to the project to see its major flaws. would you agree with that assessment? >> no, i wouldn't. it is very hard to create experimental, break ground, try to do something that has never been done when people are going to second guess i the show that is there is show the i created over eight years minus some of the depth. >> reporter: after significant retooling it is a show that has become a huge hit on broadway. julie says that is due in part to her early vision. ♪ big risk, big reward. the lesson she learned from lion king. as the original creators take their curtain call after sunday's 15th anniversary performance, they know that all the pageantry and elaborate stagecraft would be meaningless were it not for a simple story
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retold. >> it's our story, the story of humanity, told with lions, a meerkat and a flat lent warthog. >> perhaps that in itself is the secret to the show's success. i'm juju chang in new york. >> now i got to go see it. the moment where she finds simba in the audition. wow, incredible. >> looks powerful. you always wonder how it would come across on stage play. when you see that, it's like how cool would that be to see it in person. >> the work it takes. the detail. you know, the intricacies of all that. you never know who you will see pop up on stage. i didn't know you were in it. see. >> you didn't know. >> she does it all. now i really got to go see the show. >> you don't want to hear me sing. in it. see. >> you didn't know. >> she does it all. now i really got to go see the show. >> you don't want to hear me sing.
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well this will come as welcome news digging through the leftovers on the day after well this will come as well, this will come as welcome news digging through the
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leftovers on the day after thanksgiving. a new etiquette guide out that says it is acceptable in restaurants to eat with your fingers. >> yeah. >> acceptable to do that. the trick is you cannot lick them clean. that is the caveat. you can't do one of those. you can't do it. so the top tips include cutting food into manageable pieces before picking it up. using a napkin to wipe your messy hands. and use a fork to pick up food that spills on to the plate. new rules out. eat with your fingers at a restaurant. cut it up. don't lick your fingers clean. >> or carl's junior mess in your hand. don't do that. >> don't do that. going out to eat. keep that in mind. so do your thing. >> okay. >> exactly. also by the way if you're on black friday shopping spree, if you're doing that whole thing today, the mannequins may be watching you. this is kind of creepy. there are cameras now being placed in the mannequins. it's called isee. stores across the world are doing this. they're not telling you what stores they're in. they're looking for people who are shoplifting.
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so you always see bubble cameras on the ceiling. now see them in the mannequins. you won't be able to. look them in the eye. >> as long as you are not in the dressing room i am good. that's it. >> little creepy. >> it's friday. here is your polka. >> one, two, three, go. ♪ ♪ politics and foreign wars all the weather all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the "world news" polka brand-new clips and old repeats skinny from the gossip sheet ♪ ♪ that's the "world news" polka ♪ ♪ it's late at night you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ ♪ so grab your ""world news now"" mug and everybody dance ♪ ♪ have some fun be a pal every anchor guy and gal ♪ ♪ do the "world news" polka come on, you know you wanna. ♪ let's hear it. very good. facebook friends only! get ready. terrific. ♪ i used to play accordion in restaurants and bars ♪ ♪ but now maybe they'll hire me for "dancing with the stars" ♪ ♪ they go gaga for my polka face
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♪ ♪ and the world news polka ♪ the news is very serious and so is our whole staff ♪ ♪ why do viewers tune in to hear willis' laugh ♪ ♪ laugh along with your tv ♪ in standard def or in hd ♪ that willis what a joker ♪ he does the world news polka more videos and stuff at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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this morning on this morning on "world news now" -- tragedy in texas. a massive pileup leaves two dead and dozens injured as they were traveling to their thanksgiving destinations. >> investigators say heavy fog
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caused the crash. drivers could barely see one foot in front of them. it's friday, november 23rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." well, good black friday morning, everybody. let the games begin. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm brandi hitt in for paula faris today. we're going to have more on that horrible accident in just a moment, but first a look at some of the other stories we're following for you this morning. and, yes, it is the storm after the calm so to speak. just after dinnertime, a lot of shoppers hit the roads and packed the stores. but some already leaving their holiday spirit at home. >> things already getting testy. hopefully not a sign of things to come. >> every year it is, isn't it? >> gets worse. the more you bump it up. the greater the craze you create, the more pandemonium inside the stores. so, you know, earlier and earlier, you know, i guess that's the price we pay.
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stay tuned for all of the gory details on that one. plus, this time of year can, of course, be all about the stress for a lot of folks. if you're planning on traveling this holiday season, we have tips to foil your frustration. and one of new york city's most iconic holiday scenes, barney's window. this is exciting, too cute this year. we'll show you minnie mouse's makeover as well. she's got a shop, and some duds there too. >> high-end fashion. new york a great city during the holidays. you are seeing. west coast girl. parade yesterday and everything. >> i got to see spider-man fly overhead, in person, and see all the kids excited. it gets you in the holiday mood. >> loving new york right now? >> loving the city. i will go back to l.a. will not leave you hanging, l.a. >> city of angels. all right. but first a busy stretch of interstate 10 has been reopened this morning after a deadly chain reaction crash outside of bo beaumont, texas. >> this is just awful.
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two people were killed in a massive pileup, a scene one sheriff's deputy described as catastrophic. abc's brad wheelis has the latest. >> reporter: at least 100 vehicles littered interstate 10 in texas, in a mangled mass of metal. some were twisted beyond recognition. the huge pileup turned thanksgiving into a nightmare on wheels for thousands of holiday travelers. from compact cars to tractor trailers, none escaped the chain reaction pileup that happened in dense fog southwest of beaumont, about 80 miles east of houston. >> the cause of the action was a heavy fog this morning. the reaction, heavy contact in the area. it wasn't until we arrived we realized how catastrophic the accident was and that we were dealing with three major accidents within a two-mile area. >> reporter: dozens of people were rescued from their vehicles and rushed to the hospital in by ambulance, some in serious condition. the sheer force of the collision split open some trucks. dozens of tow trucks flooded the scene to pry apart all the destruction. >> this is a good thanksgiving for me that i got -- my life was
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spared, and my children, they didn't get hurt. and, everyone else, i just pray and thank god every day, thanksgiving for me. >> reporter: those who avoided the mayhem had to spend all day stuck in their vehicles, but still with much to give thanks for. >> very thankful, grateful that i wasn't injured, the kids weren't injured. >> you hear about so many accidents related to rain, slick roads, black ice during the winter, but fog can be just obviously as dangerous and deadly not only for folks involved, but traffic delays that spurred from the whole thing. so my heart goes out to all the people involved in that mess. look at that. look at that. >> i can tell you growing up in california, central valley, it happens every winter and there's nothing scarier than not being able to see what's going on right in front yof you. not to be able to see one foot in front of your vehicle, it's terrifying. terrifying. >> some people put on their high beams during fog. the worst thing to do. last thing you do is put on high beams. >> reflects the light back at you. makes it worse.
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>> exactly. >> unfortunate. >> a rough thanksgiving for those folks. now we're going to turn to the black friday frenzy kicking off earlier than ever this year. shoppers lined up in droves from coast to coast last night, snapping up rock-bottom sales from some of the nation's biggest retailers. >> and the crowds are going to be even bigger this morning with some flat screen tvs going for under $100. 147 million people are expected to shop over the holiday weekend. >> good that we're staying calm, yeah, that guy right there. >> come on. >> man. well, some shoppers weren't in the holiday spirit as you just saw. things got a little out of hand at a kmart in california when doors opened at 6:00 a.m. as the crowd pushed and shoved to get inside. one angry customer could be heard threatening to stab someone. there was also mayhem in indianapolis as well. tempers flared when kmart ran out of plasma tvs and then the police had to be called in.
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everyone just say cool and calm today. it's just a tv. it will be all right. >> come back without any bruises when you're done shopping. shoppers clamor to get inside the stores, thousands of wall mart employees are staging walkouts and appropriate tests over the holiday weekend. the workers are upset about having to work on thanksgiving day, and they're also speaking out for better pay and better benefits. some workers say that they're willing to put their jobs on the line to improve these conditions. more than 50 million people tuned in to watch the macy's thanksgiving day parade and another 3 million turned out in person right here in new york city. couldn't beat the weather yesterday too. mild for this team of year. great day for the parade. >> crisp, cool, nice. listen to this. for some still coping with the aftermath of superstorm sandy, the giant balloons and overall festive mood really provided welcome relief from thinking about everything that they have lost. >> we're finally having fun. nothing terrible is happening. >> what are you most thankful for? >> i'm thankful for that like my family is alive, i'm alive.
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that's all i'm thankful for this year. >> wow. >> well said. >> well, those kids were especially excited because they watched from special bleacher seats that were set up for thousands of families from some of new york and new jersey's hardest hit neighborhoods. glad to see parade organizers did that. needed the distraction. >> they deserve it. well, overseas the cease-fire in the middle east appears to be holding. signs of life returning to normal as israel and palestinian militants seem to be respecting the truce after eight days of rocket fire that left more than 160 people dead. meanwhile, israel says it has arrested a member of hamas for wednesday's bus bombing in tel aviv that injured 27 people. also some news out of hollywood this morning, a brutal brawl at the home of actress halle berry landed her ex-boyfriend in the hospital. now the fight broke out thanksgiving morning between her fiance as well as her ex-husband aubrey.
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the fight started when aubrey came to berry's house to drop off the couple's 4-year-old daughter. we don't know exactly what was sarksd but it was apparently enough to bring aubrey and martinez, the current beau, to blows. aubry suffered fractured ribs. a judge ordered him to stay 100 yard away from the actress, her daughter and fiance. halle berry had a messy love life to say the least. hope that situation works out. it was also a terrifying thanksgiving for a new hampshire couple after curiosity got the best of their 2-year-old son. listen to this. little cayden opened an old laundry chute on the second floor of the family's home and slid all the way down to the basement and got stuck in the wall. oh. look at the bump on his head. frantic parents could hear him screaming but couldn't find him. >> there was, a ton of us running around like. and my sister was like, oh, my
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god he is in the wall. i was look how did he get in the wall. opened the door went through the chute. >> cayden's dad, fractured his wrist, punching into the wall, holding his son's hand. before fire fighters arrived. they managed to get him out, as you can see, with just a bump on his head and a few bruises. how scary for him. >> amazing how resilient kids are. they will get into anything. that's the moral of the story, that kid went down the chute. >> there's a hole, let's crawl in there. let's figure it out. wow. coming up next, it is turkey sandwich time, but your post-holiday meals can be a lot more than that. we will show you how you can get creative with the thanksgiving leftovers. >> but first, thanksgiving may be behind us. the travel season it is only just beginning. coming up next, some tips on how to ease the stress of flying. you're watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. >> announcer: "world news now"
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weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance.
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kids make stains i use tide boost to super charge our detergent. boom. clothes look amazing, and daddy's a hero. daddy, can we play ponies? right after we do foldies. tide boost is my tide. what's yours?
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♪ life is a highway ♪ i want to ride it all night long ♪ >> there it is. >> that puts you in the mood. >> that song will be in your head for the next 12 hours.
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you know that. it is the hottest travel weekend of the year, and yet so many people lose their cool when they're flying over the holidays. >> you're just cramped, you're in tight quarters. so we turned to genevieve for information on traveling during the holidays. >> for people who travel once or twice a year, traveling around the holidays can be stressful. there are longer lines at security, airports are crowded, parking lots are crowded. there are a few ways you can minimize the stress and not become overwhelmed. first, picking the right lane at security has a huge advantage. there's an expert lane, a yaca s cassual traveler lane, and family lane. so picking the lane that best describes you will help you get through security more easily and with less stress. taking the first flight of the day is often the least stressful
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flight of the day because it's the most likely to be on time and there are far fewer crowds and shorter lines at the airport early in the morning. knowing what to put in your carry-on is very important during the holidays. you need to make sure that you put everything you can't live without like medications and cell phone chargers in your carry-on bag. once you check a bag, that's the last time you're going to see your bag until you get to your destination. and if your flight is delayed or baggage is lost, you want to make sure you have all of the necessary items with you. taking direct flights can be a huge stress saver. they're more expensive. every time you make a connection on a flight, you're increasing your chances of something going wrong on your trip. taking a direct flight can really minimize the stress. if you need to make a connecting flight, make sure you book a flight that allows you at least two hours to make your connection. that will account for any delays
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on your first flight, and ensure that you don't miss your second flight to your destination. >> lot of advice. >> travel is so much fun these days, isn't it? another good tip. taking gifts with you to where you may be going. don't wrap them. put them in a gift bag in case tsa wants to inexpect it. don't ruin your wrapping job. put them in a bag. travel that way. and have them tear through the paper to inspect your elmo doll. there you go. >> oh, nice. >> you look so natural. there you go. >> look at you, brandi, natural. there you go. >> i didn't know this. this is fantastic. >> we have a great graphics department. they always, yeah, look at the back, insomniac airline. >> nice. hopefully able to sleep on the flight. >> this way, this way. turn your snack trays up. all of that. we'll be back with more after this. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. , insomniac airline. >> nice. hopefully able to sleep on the flight. >> this way, this way. turn your snack trays up.
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well, this time of year is a time, of course, to give thanks, and there are few things to be more thankful for than those leftovers from the big turkey dinner, but the leftovers can go way beyond the simple basic turkey sandwich. here to help us get the most out of thole meals, butterball turkey talk line expert nicole johnson. nicole, thank you for being here. appreciate it. >> any time. >> the day after. everyone still slowly waking up from the food coma. it's time for the leftovers here. so what can folks do beyond the basics? >> sure. you want to make sure you carve the meat off the bone within about two hours. >> okay. >> after you do that, go ahead and put it in a tupperware container in your refrigerator. ideally, if you can eat them within three to four days. for longer storage, use the freezer method. put them in the freezer, one to two months. eat them. >> the meat you plan to eat in
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three, four days after thanksgiving, between thanksgiving, end of the month that can go in the fridge in a nice airtight tupperware dish. >> perfect. you got it. >> longer term better to freeze it. >> exactly. >> look anything else you freeze it will keep for a good long time, right? >> it will. or like you said, wrap it all well or a tupperware, airtight container, perfect. >> okay. >> one better way to incorporate the leftover turkey, butterball has introduced butterball cookbook plus app. >> let me guess. there's an app for that. here we go. >> exactly. you got it. visit go ahead and download the app. incorporates, 250 recipes. my 7-year-old actually and i like to cook together. he was able to navigate the app. the recipes are very colorful, easy to follow. something very easy, pretty proved it this year. >> 250. a lot you can do with the bird, once the initial devouring is complete. >> there sure is.
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in fact, this four-cheese turkey mac and cheese right in front of you incorporates some of our leftover turkey. it's one of the great recipes we have. >> and, what is the secret behind this, any quick food tips on this one? or -- >> well, it incorporates cheddar, swiss, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese in addition to turkey, of course. one of our favorites. >> fantastic. a personal favorite leftover at all you cook at your house? >> you are looking at it. i have four little butter balls, we are on a big mac and cheese kick right now. this is it right here. >> this is the one right here. got you. >> that's right. >> what is the common mistake people make with the leftovers. make sure you get all the meat off the bone in a certain amount of time. that is critical. people let it sit too long. >> they do. we get the phone call at the talk line often. we tell people from a food safety standpoint to make sure you carve the meat off the bone and make sure you go ahead and get it in the refrigerator. and in addition to that, though, you also want to make sure too, that if you have any questions,
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whether it be, you know, day of thanksgiving, day after, keep in mind you can call us at 1-800-butterball or visit, facebook, twitter, live chats that we're incorporating all the way through christmas. so turkey's not just something for thanksgiving. it's year-round. you can reach us here at butterball, and we can walk you through anything. >> now that thanksgiving is over, all is said and done, i can still call and find out or get a good recipe tip from you. i have eight extra pounds of turkey meat around, what can i do? >> absolutely. we are still on the phone. >> i can't imagine some of the crazy calls you must get, before, during, and after. >> have to share a cute story the i received a phone call, one of the gals manning the talk line. i received a phone call just a couple of days ago. first-time caller, first-time cook from california. and she wanted me to walk through purchasing the turkey at the store, the prep work, the whole nine yards,.
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so i did that. she sounded very satisfied. however, when weep were talking about how to test for doneness, i emphasized the fact that you check in three areas, take your meat they're -- thermometer, breast, and dressing. all of a sudden her whole tone changed. she said, oh, no. now i have to run back to the store. she said, now i have to buy three meat thermometers. >> i said, no, no, no, that's not necessary. just three areas. >> three areas. >> rookie mistake. >> we have cute phone calls we receive. >> you save a lot of meals around the country this time of year. thank you for that. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. happy cooking and leftover eating to everybody out there as well. wo we'll be back with more ""world news now"" right after this. stay with us. . stay with us.
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♪ o i need someone to read me stories ♪ ♪ o someone to turn the page
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finally from us this half hour, characters from our parent company disney like you have never seen them before. >> they are front and center for a holiday tradition at one of new york's most fashionable stores. and our own paw paula faris gives us a look. ♪ >> reporter: call it minnie's madison avenue makeover going from this to this. glammed up supermodel styles for the holidays. disney's most famous faces, mickey, goofy, snow white like you've never seen them before. the mind-blowing makeover just for the holidays in the windows at new york's famed barney's, the store known for its annual edgy and outside-the-box displays. this year the windows show a brief film, minnie imagining herself at the fashion shows in paris, and with a little pixie
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dust, she's transported to the runway. even style maven sarah jessica parker gets the cartoon treatment. >> by the way you have beautiful ears. >> oh, thank you. >> reporter: she was there for the unveiling with our boss, disney ceo bob iver. sjp weighing in on the controversial skinny minnie. >> but it's a fantasy. we imagine ourselves in a scenario much different from our own, fashion magazines and fashion has the saime aspirational quality. >> reporter: iver hopes it serves as a way to keep the characters on the cutting edge of style. >> we're presenting the marriage between disney characters and high fashion and proves that great character is kind of timeless and always in style. >> reporter: and it's for a good cause as 25% of the proceeds of the disney/barney's holiday fashion line will go to the red cross to help victims of hurricane sandy.
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and fear not, disney devotees. as with all fairy-tales, this story also has a happy ending. paula faris, abc news, new york. >> ooh. minnie looking sexed up, glammed up a bit. >> minnie wearing a mini. >> rocking the mini. that's it for this half hour. remember to follow us on facebook, wnnfans. >> on twitter, #wnnfans. coming up more news from abc. remember to follow us on facebook, wnnfans. >> on twitter, #wnnfans. coming up more news from abc. #-wnnfans. coming up more news from abc.
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this morning on "world news now" -- deck the malls. this morning on "world news now" -- deck the malls. black friday shoppers are out there in force braving the crowds. >> they are facing long lines and some short tempers all to get those deep discounts. it's friday, november 23rd.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. happy friday. i'm brandi hitt in for paula faris. >> we didn't scare you off yesterday. >> no. >> you came back for some more. >> you guys are nice. you're too good to me. >> you're a glutton for punishment. it's been great having you. so have a safe trip back to l.a. this afternoon. >> later today. going back to la-la land. >> sleep on the plane. my best advice. good morning, everybody. happy friday. i'm rob nelson. holiday shoppers are off and running, looking for everything from toys to tvs. we'll have a lot more on that coming up in a moment. certainly a big day in malls across the country. >> wear the shoulder pads. >> yeah, really. and later this half hour, a holiday highway horror, a mangled pileup on a foggy texas interstate leaves two dead and dozens injured. more than 100 cars and trucks simply crumpled. >> just awful. also, it wouldn't be thanksgiving, of course, without a little football. you were up all afternoon long
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watching the games. >> like an idiot. i couldn't turn the texans/tigers game off. it was incredible. great game all the way to overtime. so i didn't get to bed until 5:00 last night. what did i say? lions. see, that's how tired i am. we're doing baseball. yes, lions/texans. sorry about that. >> it's okay. we'll get you more coffee this morning. we'll have the winners and losers from the triple-header of all the nfl action for you as well. later a big holiday brawl at halle berry's house, her fiance and ex, mix it up. police had to get called in. there's been an arrest even. we'll have all the details coming up in "the skinny." wow. weird -- strange episode there. speaking of pushing, though, we're going to begin with the crush of holiday shoppers hitting all the extra early store bargains this year for all the door-buster deals. >> the bargains were apparently hot enough for people across the country to abandon the family dinner and they're at it again this morning. more now from abc's brad
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wheelis. >> reporter: gray is fading to black. gray thursday is about to become officially black friday, however you color it, the national shopping spree is under way. in sacramento, the holiday spirit -- >> i will stab one of you! >> reporter: -- was an early casualty of early shopping. >> they only had one security guard and that didn't work, and there was a lot of screaming and yelling. it just wasn't safe. >> reporter: in indianapolis, tempers frayed at this kmart when there weren't enough plasma tvs to go around. >> everybody started going crazy about it. and then the cops got called in. it was just a madhouse. >> reporter: even so, most shoppers lined up with visions of sugarplums. >> i want a toe toshiba, 40-inch flat screen for 180 bucks.
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>> any stuff. i don't care. >> reporter: you just want cool gifts? >> yeah. >> reporter: door-buster at best buy is $78, flat screen tv from walmart, $100 digital cameras at target. laptop, $349 at best buy. this woman bought four flat screen tvs. >> saved $616. >> reporter: toys "r" us, walmart, sears all opened at 8:00 p.m. target an hour later at 9:00. this year, competition for limited offers is expected to be just as fierce online as in line. as soon as deals come on, hot deals, they get tweeted around or it hits the blogs, and the traffic just floods. so you get peaks within minutes. >> reporter: and shop till you drop continues. brad wheelis, abc news. los angeles. every year we see the crazy video come out. last year the lady accused of pepper spraying the crowd to get evan everyone back from the video games. i hope it doesn't happen.
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i am waiting for some of the chaos. i mean they're not even barreling over each other in those lines. >> yet. yet. that's the appetizer. today is the entree, the one guy getting testy. his kids got pushed. he was like -- "i'll stab you." let's just stay cool, calm, collected. that's all i'm going to say. that dude was getting really heated. i guess someone messed with his kids. you want to think before you have your kids in the black friday mess. you know what i mean. just some thoughts. >> even mall of america won't allow kids, you are with a parent. as parent will you protect them from the madness. >> in the crush of all the people, "i'll stab you. that's my waffle maker." >> not worth it. okay. americans hitting the stores today, you also have competition from who? canadians. a recent increase in duty-free allowances has neighbors from the north crossing the border in droves looking for bargains as well. the best deals for them. the big screen tvs, computers, tablets, and cameras. they say even after adding the duty fees and sales taxes, all the items are still much cheaper here in the u.s. >> welcome to black friday. well, here in the new york area, a lot of people spent thanksgiving still reeling from hurricane sandy. despite the hardships, many storm survivors gathered to express their gratitude for what
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they still had. namely their lives. volunteers prepared and served meals in some hard-hit areas, and some victims of sandy were treated to prime seats at the macy's parade. nice move. in other news, thousands of holiday travelers in texas did not get where they were going. that is because of this massive pileup. it shut down busy interstate 10 right outside beaumont for most of the day. now two people were killed, dozens injured when more than 100 cars and trucks just slammed into each other in extremely thick fog. drivers who were not hurt, they tried to help emergency crews get to those victims. >> everybody just stopped. no movement. people getting out of their cars. i mean it feels like an evacuation. that's what it feels like. >> man. about 100 people were taken to the hospital. about a dozen were critically hurt. the two people who were killed were in an suv that was crushed by a tractor-trailer. unbelievable to see. >> yeah.
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it's also shaping up to be another foggy day in louisiana and also in texas, but not nearly as bad or as widespread as yesterday. >> that's the good news. dense fog reduced visibility from the gulf coast all the way up to the canadian border in chicago. look at that. only the tips of the skyscrapers seen above all the fog. visibility all but vanished in duluth, minnesota. driving was also hazardous into st. louis and ohio as well. safe travels, everybody. take it slow. >> because there's still going to be traffic this weekend going home. >> sunday, a mess. always. here's look at your black friday forecast. if you're going to be out there maybe doing shopping. rain and mountain snow, pacific northwest. windy with up to 6 inches of snow from duluth to green bay and grand rapids. rain from the ohio valley to lexington. >> mostly 50s in the northeast. only 20s, though, from the twin cities to fargo. 62 in dallas, and 82 in phoenix. well, overseas now, israel says it has the nabbed the man responsible for the bus bombing in tel aviv two days ago. israeli officials say an israeli
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arab who was a member of hamas was behind wednesday's blast that injured 27 people. the explosion near israel's military headquarters. the bomb was planted and detonated remotely. and egypt's president has made a bold political move fresh off his key role in negotiating a cease-fire. between israel and hamas. mohamed morsi has unilaterally granted himself broad new powers, declaring courts can no longer challenge his decisions. it effectively takes the teeth out of a judicial system that opposed him. it also sets the stage for the retrial of former president hosni mubarak. >> that didn't take long. thanksgiving day marked a somber anniversary in american history that the world will never forget. 49 years ago, that president john f. kennedy was assassinated. gunned down as his motorcade drove through downtown dallas. despite the holiday, dozens of people gathered in jfk's honor in the spot where he was shot.
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a major commemoration will be held for the next year's 50th anniversary. can you feel the heat? with the jackpot hovering at around $325 million, bucks, powerball fever, spreading like wildfire out there. gamblers across the country are hoping for an early christmas present when the numbers are drawn tomorrow night. a winner opting for a lump sum cash payout can count on taking home $212 million. now, the downside, the odds of winning this thing, about one in 175 million. >> not bad. probably better than the odds of probably getting one of the tv screens in the black friday lines right now. >> i don't usually, you know, gamble with the lottery, but when it gets that big, it's hard not to buy a couple tickets. >> or the office pool. if you're one that is out of the office pool and everyone wins. >> this office one i would leave here mid sentence. you might want to consider
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another set of odds. can the cowboys survive against the powerhouse exploits of redskins phenom rg3. spoiler alert. no, they couldn't. >> washington's rookie quarterback threw four touchdown passes to four different receivers. cowboys got within seven. just fell short. final score, 38-31, redskins. >> slept through that game. not this one. in detroit, the houston texans took advantage of a major mistake by the lions' coach. in the third quarter, the coach there, schwartz, threw a challenge flag certain that an 81-yard td run would not count. well, replay showed he was down midfield, but schwartz negated the review and challenged the play and was called for unsportsmanlike conduct. the lions -- not the tigers -- let a ten-point lead slip away. they lose this one, 34-31 in overtime. almost took all of overtime for that game to wrap up. great matchup. that's why i'm tired today.
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>> glued to the screen. exactly. >> it was good though. it was good. we want to show you something that we got a little while ago through twitter as well. we were just talking about this. pretty cool. >> this is great. check it out. ryan, one of our twitter fans, drew this picture for us. look. i think that's remarkably life lyme. look at that. i was impressed by that. want to thank. you know, as, you have learned over the last two days, a lot of very devoted fans on twitter. this guy one of them. looks really good. thanksgiving, look good in the picture. >> i love the turkey too. way to get in the holiday spirit. thank you, ryan, for sharing. >> very festive. nicely done. coming up, turning the rhythm from the basketball court into an unforgettable christmas carol. you have to watch it. unbeatable advice for shoppers on this holiday. should you buy an iphone today and how your smartphone may help you save money at the store. you're watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by febreze car vent.
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febreze. febreze. smelly stuff all in at once to prove that febreze car vent clips could eliminate the odor. then we brought her family to our test facility to see if it worked. [ woman ] take a deep breath, tell me what you smell. something fresh. a beach. a clean house. my new car. [ woman ] go ahead and take your blindfolds off. oh!! hahahaha!!! look at all this garbage!!! [ male announcer ] febreze car. eliminates odors for continuous freshness, so you can breathe happy.
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♪ welcome back, everybody, on this black friday. and if you're up right now, you're probably planning your shopping strategy for the day. so abc news tech editor joanna stern is here to help you guys out. joanna, good morning. always good to have you here. >> good to be here and not in line. >> that makes for two of us. so i mean it is black friday here. so you're looking out at the
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landscape. folks are lining up. the masses are about to converge on malls and stores around the country. what are the best black friday deals out there today? >> there are some crazy door busters, which is why the people are waiting in line right now. they will get crazy savings. only a couple of them are. one of the best ones a toshiba, 50 inch, 1080p tv, $300. >> that's crazy. huge tv, $300. >> originally $900. that's like $600 of savings. that's why people are lining up. that's one of the biggest ticket items at sears. example of something at sears. best buy, tons of products. you've got an xbox 360 with kinect, $199, usually $299. so lots of big ticket items coming down seriously in price just tonight and all day tomorrow. >> and this may be a dumb question but i assume the stores can give such deep markdowns because volume will make up for the discount.
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>> there is limited stock of the items. not everyone is going to have, hundreds of those toshibas, a couple of those. people first in line will get them. so that's the unfortunate thing about black friday, right? one of my favorite tips, using the site, >> okay. how does that work? >> you type in the product that you're actually looking for, and it will give you a list of all the places where it is, amazon, walmart, all the different prices. and actually will say, this is a really good price right now. give you a thumbs up. probably not going to drop in price by now. but you might get a stop hand. stop, don't buy this now. that's one of my big tips go. to check that out. >> helps you with the biggest strategy for the day. that's going to help you out. what are the hottest tech gadgets folks can't wait to get their hands on? >> one of the top, the ipad, the ipad mini. i've got it here. haven't taken it out of my hands. why a lot of people will get this thing. $329, not going to drop in price this holiday season.
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>> apple does need the money. >> yes. >> that's a relief too. that will be one of the big ticket items this year. >> i do. i think ipads, tablets are going to sell well. one of the other things i think is going to be really big is not necessarily tvs, but tv add-ons, but this is the box. the roku. this is the box. i love this thing. really little, but very powerful. this thing -- a good black friday deal. $40. usually $60. bet you they have a lot in stock. i don't think -- i don't think -- i think these will -- you will be able to pick this one up. what this does connects to your tv, stream netflix, pandora, youtube, hook it up, and you've got connected tv. >> $40. not bad at all. >> i think a big thing this year. tv's aren't changing. maybe people got the brand-new big scene tv. >> what you can do with it is huge. >> exactly. great tips. appreciate you being here. fight the masses at best buy and
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the mall now. >> i will stay in the cold house here. stay with the nice -- nice tree. >> the window. thank you, appreciate you being here again. this is joanna stern, abc news tech editor. we will be right back on "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome back, everybody.
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oh, my ex-girlfriend halle berry back in the news this morning. >> you guys go way back? >> we go way back. i had to end it though. she got way too suffocating. i'm joking. but anyway she's back in the news, and this is kind of a serious situation. >> i know it is. >> apparently there was some kind of incident yesterday because her baby daddy, gabriel aubrey showed up at the house was arrested because a melee broke out with halle's fiance olivier martinez. according to tmz this is what happened. aubry released on $20,000. he showed up on the doorstep with the 4-year-old for custodial handoff. they had a nasty custody battle. he goes there to her house to drop off the kid and apparently flipped out when her fiance made the comment "we have to move on."
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aubry, allegedly pushed martinez, threw a punch in the face striking him in the shoulder. martinez fought back. the struggle ended up with aubry pinned to the ground. according to a source close to tmz, aubrey suffered a broken rib. martinez may have broken his hand and suffered neck injuries as well. so apparently this was like brawl, brawl. these guys got pretty banged up. something was said that flipped the guys out while they were trying to drop off the daughter on thanksgiving day. >> yeah. let's hope nahla wasn't watching this. then you have a 4-year-old girl watching this happen. we don't need a hollywood baby having troubles growing up. let's get it together. work it out. >> halle, for such a beautiful, talented woman had a really rocky love life over the years. latest dustup. hope it works out, nothing else for the little girl. also in "the skinny" today, shakira making headlines, not for her fabulous hips. >> those hips don't lie. >> they don't. ex-boyfriend, former manager is suing her for $100 million because he claims that she
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reneged on a deal to keep paying him as a share of her business profits after they broke up. see in 2004 her tour was losing money. under the management she earned tens of millions. according to him got a $300 million deal with livenation went big. and breaking up he claims her lawyer fired him. he wants money. she is now pregnant. this is going to get ugly. no comment from shakira though. >> her hips do lie according to that lawsuit. poor shakira. also lil wayne, li'l weezy back in the news this morning. >> very well. >> thank you. >> he apparently is admitting he has some kind of medical issue where he suffers seizures on a plane, had a medical emergency last month because he had seizure-like episodes on two back-to-back flights. so he was giving an interview to mtv. the room got pretty hot. he says, look -- they wouldn't let the ac unit in the room, makes a lot of noise, makes it
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hard to do the interview with the buzzing ac sound in the background. he says i want y'all to know not that i am on drugs or whatever. i need to stay cool. if i get to warm, i am on seizure medication. admitting he has some kind of condition, so much so, doctors said stay off planes for the foreseeable future. something about the condition inside the plane triggers the condition. hope he is okay. sound like a serious, afflict -- affliction to have. doctors' advice. >> oh, man. >> yeah. all right before we go, real quick, one more before we go. concert tour. chris brown, canceling in guyana, protests coming out because of the fight with rihanna and the abuse. so now he's canceling it because they're going to protest it. >> wow. can't shake the image. >> nope. we'll be right back. >> wow. can't shake the image. >> we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] we got a mom and the family car
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to prove that febreze car vent clips could eliminate the odor. [ woman ] take a deep breath, tell me what you smell. something fresh. a clean house. [ woman ] take your blindfolds off. oh!! hahahaha!!! [ male announcer ] febreze car. eliminates odors, so you can breathe happy.
3:53 am
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call now for your free dvd and information kit. and now every hoveround comes with this tote bag and cup holder for handy access to your favorite items. you don't really have to give up living because you don't have your legs. call now for your free consultation. and right now, get this limited edition hoveround america travel mug free with your hoveround delivery. call or log onto right now! welcome back. you know when you're a professional ball player in the middle of the game, it's so easy to be focused on the game and
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nothing else. >> i struggled with that throughout my nba career. >> oh, yeah, i am sure. >> but kevin durant of the oklahoma thunder proved his fans are an important part of his game. on wednesday during game against the los angeles clippers, durant accidentally flung the ball into the stand and an older woman courtside took the shot straight to the noggin. >> you have to see it again. during the next break, in the action, durant walked over to the woman to make up for his mistake. he kisses her on the forehead. she appears to forgive him. tickled that he did it. you do something sweet. don't act like ron artest, go swinging at fans in the stand. >> staying with the nba. five basketball stars have turned dribbling into a real art form. >> who would have thought a basketball could be used to perform a christmas carol. this is cool. abc's david muir reports.
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>> reporter: we all know this version of "the carol of the bells" famously sung by the mormon tabernacle choir. a holiday staple this time of year. ♪ >> reporter: but we've never quite heard it this way. five of the nba's biggest superstars dribbling the song, and now a drumbeat of the different sort. so many asking how did they do that? well, it turns out digital magic. the players actually in five different location s when they shot their part from miami to los angeles to new york. five different shoots in front of the high-tech screen shot in just the last month. behind-the-scenes footage of lakers center dwight howard, playing around right there, getting ready to perform his part that would be inserted later. we're told the producers had half an hour with each player putting some one beside them to give them a sense of what they had to accomplish on the court. how did they do it to time. followed a color coded monitor, much like the video game, "guitar hero" that rights up on
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the right or left so they know which side to dribble on and when. and later, digitally laid in next to each other and this was the result. >> how cool is that? >> very cool. >> that takes some timing, man. hand-eye coordination. very cool, fellows. >> look at that, rob. look at you. >> look at that, see. you know how to dribble? >> taught them everything they know on the court. that's right. more from abc next. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. " informing insomniacs for two decades. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," inform
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making news in america this morning. let the shopping begin. >> black friday bargain-hunters are swarming malls all across the country. and as anxious customers try to


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